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How to convert unused lessons into a coupon?

As a student, you may sometimes decide to discontinue lessons with a particular tutor. In such cases, our platform offers a flexible solution: converting your unused lessons into a coupon. This feature allows you to transfer the value of your remaining lessons to a new tutor, ensuring you don’t lose out on your investment.

The coupon system works as follows:

  • The coupon’s value equals the cost of your unused lessons.
  • You can use this coupon to purchase a lesson package from a different tutor.
  • The coupon reduces the new package’s price by its nominal value.
  • The coupon’s validity period matches that of the original lesson package.
  • Once created, a coupon cannot be reversed – it can only be used for purchasing lessons from another tutor.
  • You can apply the coupon to a lesson package that costs more than the coupon’s value.
  • Coupons must be used in full — partial use is not possible, and one purchase requires one coupon.

To create a coupon, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the section with your tutors.
  2. Find the specific tutor whose remaining lessons you want to exchange for a coupon.
  3. Click on “Refund”.
  4. Check the “My coupons” block to see your newly created coupon.

Remember, this process allows you to seamlessly transition between tutors while retaining the value of your purchased lessons. If you have any questions about using coupons, don’t hesitate to contact our support team.