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How to become a successful tutor?

When preparing and conducting lessons, it’s crucial to create a comfortable and productive environment for your student from the very first interaction. Pay special attention to your initial message, ensure all technical aspects are in order, and tailor the trial lesson to the student’s goals.

These steps will help you build trust and establish a long-term teaching relationship.

The first message: making a lasting impression

Your first message to a new student is crucial — it sets the tone for your future lessons.

Here’s how to make it count:

✅ Respond quickly: students value tutors who reply promptly.

✅ Personalized greeting: start with a friendly hello and express your excitement for the trial lesson.

✅ Understand their goals: ask about the student’s learning objectives.

✅ Confirm details: reassure the student by confirming the time and outline of the trial lesson.

Sample messages:

“Hello! Thank you for choosing me as your tutor. In our trial lesson, I’ll focus on your personal learning goals — whether it’s improving your speaking skills or acing an English exam. I’m excited to work with you to create a customized lesson plan that fits your needs. Looking forward to our session!”


“Hi! I specialize in IELTS preparation, and I’ve helped many students achieve their desired scores. During our trial lesson, I’ll introduce you to key strategies for the exam, particularly the speaking section. Together, we’ll assess your current level and plan the best path forward. Feel free to ask any questions before we start. See you soon!”


“Hello! I’m excited for our Business English trial lesson. We’ll begin with a short assessment to gauge your current level, and then I’ll design lessons tailored to your needs, focusing on practical business communication skills. Looking forward to our session. Best regards!”

Preparing for the lesson: ensuring a smooth experience

Technical difficulties can hinder even the best lessons. To avoid this, remind your student to prepare their setup before the lesson.

Sample messages:

“Hi! To make sure our trial lesson goes smoothly, please check the following before we begin:

  • A stable internet connection.
  • A computer, although mobile devices or tablets can also work.
  • A headset or external microphone for better sound quality.
  • A quiet, distraction-free space.”

Going the extra mile can make all the difference. Send a reminder the day before the lesson to confirm the start time and keep the student engaged.


“Hello! Just a quick reminder about our lesson tomorrow at 10 AM your local time. I’m looking forward to our conversation!”

Conducting the trial lesson: setting the stage for success

The trial lesson is pivotal — it’s your chance to prove your value as a tutor. Here’s how to make it a success:

✅ Be prepared: tailor the lesson to the student’s goals. Show that you’ve taken the time to prepare specifically for them.

✅ Show dedication: remember, you’re helping them achieve important life goals, whether it’s a promotion, passing an exam, or adapting to a new country.

Step-by-step guide to a fantastic trial lesson

1️⃣ Greetings: send a message 15 minutes before the lesson to remind the student. Start with a warm introduction, keeping your camera on to build rapport, even if the student doesn’t use theirs.

2️⃣ Introduction: ask insightful questions to understand their experience with online learning and their goals. This will help you tailor the lesson effectively.

  • Is this your first online class?
  • What are your goals for learning this language?
  • Have you faced any challenges in learning English?
  • Have you taken any assessment tests?

3️⃣ Evaluation test: students often appreciate a brief evaluation to gauge their level. Keep it short (5 minutes) and emphasize that it’s to make future lessons more effective. Explain their level and highlight strengths.

4️⃣ Present the lesson plan: clearly outline what the student can expect from your lessons and how many hours they’ll likely need to reach their goals.

5️⃣ Closing the trial lesson: aim to finish the main part of the lesson 20 minutes, leaving the last 5 minutes to discuss the next steps. Suggest buying a package of lessons for the best deal and arrange the next session immediately if possible.

6️⃣ Follow-up: if the student doesn’t purchase more lessons within a week, send a polite follow-up message to rekindle their interest. If they do, send a thank-you message expressing your enthusiasm for future lessons.

Structuring a 50-minute lesson

Here’s a suggested structure for a 50-minute language lesson to help you stay organized and effective:

Starting strong:

Send a polite reminder 15 minutes before the lesson.

  • Always ask for permission before calling.
  • Begin with a friendly greeting, keep introductions under five minutes, and share the lesson agenda.

During the lesson:

  • Review the student’s homework.
  • Encourage them to speak without interruption and provide feedback afterward.
  • Make lessons practical and relevant to their daily life.
  • End each lesson by reviewing new vocabulary.

Summing up:

  • Recap the key points covered.
  • Assign homework for the next lesson.
  • Address any questions and thank them for their time.

Remember, your role as a tutor is not just to teach but to mentor and guide your students toward achieving their goals.